
Dream On

I never watch an animated movie as an adult until I became a mother and I have to admit, most of them are very good, even better than regular movies. This type of movies helps our imagination to run free and open a door in our heads that allow us to dream.

It is important to train our brains to dream, to create new stories in our imaginations, otherwise we keep repeating/thinking the same experiences in our heads thus believing those are the only experiences we will live.

Until recently, I personally did not know what it was I wanted to do in life. I have also come across a lot of people contemporary to me in the same situation. Although I was happy with my job and with my family, I knew that there was something more to life than that.

It´s a feeling like life becomes monotonous and repetitive. It seems like we have lost passion in life, being that it was ever there to begin with, or that while growing up we put all our energy into acquiring financial independence and stability, looking for happiness in the external world. That is when we shut down internally and forget who we really are and the dreams we had.

dream on

We have to encourage our kids to dream, to constantly create new adventures in their heads so they can open the possibilities of living those dreams and make them reality. They still have the ability to go to different worlds in their heads believing anything is possible and are not embarrased about what people will think about them because they are playing. I tell mine that children can never be bored so they have created what they call “Imaginary games”. Every day after school, the first thing they do is play by themselves. It seems like is it a way of reorganizing their experiences and making them different.

They believe in fairies, Peter Pan and obviously the Tooth Fairy and Santa Clause. In the end, all these fantastic stories are somehow represented in live, but they are what make each our lives different. Living our dreams or passions is what will make us happy at the end of the day, keeping us connected with ourselves  while creating new things.



We have all heard that it is very beneficial to meditate, but when we finally put ourselves to it, we realize that it is very difficult so we tell ourselves: This is not for me. Meditation is not for everybody. Well, practice makes perfect!

By meditating, or sitting in silence, we connect to our internal world which to some people may be a totally unknown place.

It is necessary to spend more time observing our internal world. We are constantly importing internally what we observe and perceive externally: chaos, destruction, endings.

Our internal world has an effect in our external world. When we are observing, our external world shuts down and this observation becomes real to our brain changing our reality and allowing us to create new experiences in our lives.

I explained to my kids that we have two persons inside of us. One is in our heads, and one is in our hearts. The one inside our heads never, ever stops talking, and when we need to get answers to important questions or when in doubts, it is difficult to know if we are listening the person in our heads that is full of reason, insecurity, fear; or to the one in our loving, intuitive hearts.

This is why every day they have a set time to sit down in silence, in separate rooms, for 5 minutes to allow their heads to disconnect from the outside world and create the habit of listening to and observing their internal world. Kids should sit in silence for as many minutes as their age, 5 years – 5 minutes, and so on. Ten years old can sit for longer times.

They already understand the purpose of Sitting in Silence. Their minds stop resisting instead of making them feel anxiety, they feel more calm and in peace, especially after a day in school full of emotions and activities.  When in the middle of stress situations at home, I send them to sit in silence and it clicks to them that it is what they need to get calmed and to change their situations. It is a tool they will always have to get closer to who they really are.

 Encourage them to make the habit. The benefits will be good in the short and long term for both the kids and the adults.

Love or Fear

It is very important to understand that our actions always come from either a place of fear or a place of love. I understand this as a unique energy that when it vibrates at a high frequency it expands and feels like what is called love, and when it vibrates at a low-frequency, it contracts and feels like what is called fear.

energy scale

We should pay attention to the reactions emotions cause in our bodies: a knot in the stomach, dry throat, fear. Then, every time we get one of these sensations, we will recognize what type of feelings the situation brings upon us.

Once you get used paying attention to your body, you are able to know what issues need to be addressed in your lives.

With kids it work the same way. My six-year-old cries very easily and I explained to her that what happens is that she gets nervous so she cannot control herself and she cries. I understand that some situations make her feel like it is the end of the world and she will not be able to change them.

When she cries for no apparent reason, she explains to adults that she is a bit nervous and studies what made her cry and try to control herself and calm down. When not paying attention to this, she becomes self absorbed and brings up all the possible drama to keep feeding the sadness or fear.

By practising this we can start letting go of all the low-frequency vibration emotions and function from a place closer to joy, peace and happiness.